Your School Nutrition Department

Today, School Nutrition, in addition to being a misunderstood component in the school environment, finds itself facing greater challenges than ever in its 60 year history. Recent legislation meant to improve the overall offerings of the school meals program has become law, with more under consideration. These new laws place additional operational demands on management. Also, budget cuts at both the State and local school district make the job of school nutrition management even more challenging.

As a result of Mrs. Obama's "Let's Move" program, popular TV shows and media coverage, parents interest in nutrition and fitness is at an all time high. In addition, there has been a dramatic rise in obesity and diabetes among children and the number of children with food allergies has doubled over the past five years. All of these issues are drawing more attention to the school meals program.

There is a major national movement for schools to include more fresh fruits and veggies in their menus. It's important to know that the dedicated professionals who operate the local school nutrition programs would like nothing better than to fulfill that demand, and in fact do so, whenever possible. However, they are faced with the same challenges parents have at home in attempting to provide the healthiest meals possible for their families. It's all about budget and availability.

As parents, you put your trust in the academic side of the school community to educate and teach your children. You need to know that the same level of professionilsim and concern for your children exists within the School Nutrition Department. was created to educate and inform parents and to be a single resource where you can get the latest news about your child's School Nutrition Department as well as important information on nutrition, fitness and health.