Making Fruits And Veggies Fun

Making Fruits and Veggies Fun to Eat

from Debra Amos


Do you struggle getting kids to eat fruit and veggies? 

Here’s 3 Tips


Children need to be offered a new fruit or vegetable several times before they will try it. New foods need to be offered 10-15 times before kids stop recognizing it as 'new'. So keep introducing those fruits and vegetables.


Come up with fun names for fruits and vegetables, “mellow yellow corn”, Brussels sprouts call “Hero Buttons” "X-Ray Vision Carrots," "Power Punch Broccoli," "Tiny Tasty Tree Tops" and "Silly Dilly Green Beans"

  • DIP IT


Kids love to dip foods. Offering a variety of dips is a great way to get kids to eat fruits and vegetables.

VEGGIE DIPPERS                           FRUIT DIPPERS

Carrot Sticks                     Apple Wedges

Bell Pepper Strips                                    Bananas           

Cauliflower florets                                    Melon Slices

Celery Sticks                                                Grapes

Cherry Tomatoes                                    Pear Wedges

Broccoli florets                                    Orange segments

Jiccama Sticks                                                Pineapple slices

Cucumber rounds                                    Strawberries

Zucchini strips

Yellow Squash



Fun Dipping ideas: 

Mexi Ranch Dip: Salsa and Ranch Dressing

Robust Ranch Dip: Ranch Dressing and Cottage Cheese

Fruit Dip: Marshmallow Cream and Strawberry Yogurt

Vanilla Pudding Dip: Vanilla Instant Pudding Mix and Non Fat Milk

Persevere! Name It! and Dip It!

Do your best to make fruit & veggies fun to eat.

Good luck!